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:: عرض الكتاب :Answering those who altered the religion of Jesus Christ ::

  الصفحة الرئيسية » مكتـبة الكـتب » Islamic Books

اسم الكتاب : Answering those who altered the religion of Jesus Christ
تعليق الكتاب: translated by:
Ash Shahhat Ahmed Atahhan & Muhammad fadel

at this book:
Through this invaluable book Shaikhul-Islam, Ibn
Taimiyah responds to a letter from Cyprus, from "Paul, the
Monk; the Bishop of Sayda." The letter was entitled, "The
logically proven 'tatement that expresses the right
conviction and sound opinion."
The letter is comprised of all the excuses and pleas that
Christian scholars and pious Christians use to defend
their religion, in the past as well as in recent times, which
are based on many rational and logical arguments. Upon
that, lbn Tairniyah stood up to confront and expose the
falseness and corruption of such allegations, thereby,
clarifying right from wrong in order that those with sound
judgment can make use of it

اسم مؤلف: Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
الزوار: 1441
تاريخ الاضافة: 17-11-2008
عدد التحميل: 0
التقييم: 0 /5 ( 0 صوت )

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:: الكتب المتشابهة ::

الكتاب السابقة
Islam in brief
الكتب المتشابهة
الكتاب التالية
The life of the prophet MUHAMMAD (pbuh)

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